Child of Rage

Child of Rage is an early HBO documentary about an abused 6 year old who has become an abuser. Were it not for the chilling confessions of Beth Thomas, who so casually talks about the abuse she’s suffered and the abuse she now inflicts upon others, I’d say this film were a dated educational expose on abuse and attachment therapy. Still, there is history in this piece for two reasons. The first being that Beth Thomas grew up to be a normal, caring individual, while her therapist was charged with the death of another patient. This tragedy is not part of Child of Rage, but has been dramatized more than once for television. TV also produced a made-for-television reworking of Beth Thomas’ story, this was also called Child of Rage. Obviously, the subject matter was compelling, but it is not hard to see why it would be spun into TV drama. Which brings me to my second point. I am interested in this documentary because of its dry, toned down, even rudimentary production style. This was made before HBO turned its America Undercover series into a sex parade and well before they started producing Academy Award nominated films.

Child of Rage  You Tube  Carl Howard

You can read more about the film and the tragedy  40 Years of Faulty Wiring

One thought on “Child of Rage

  1. I’ve seen the TV version of Child of Rage and I must say that most TV dramas make a “watered down” version of the child’s true experiences. Quite frankly I found the film boring and nowhere near to the truth as the real biography of this child. The documentary, as chilling as it is, provides the plain truth about Beth Thomas’s early life and later triumph over RAD.

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